Why should I have No touch laser surgery?

Why should I have No touch laser surgery?

No touch laser surgery is a type of refractive surgery that uses laser technology to reshape the cornea of the eye, correcting vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Here are some potential benefits of no touch laser surgery:

  1. Safety: No touch laser surgery is a very safe procedure, with a very low risk of complications or side effects.
  2. Quick and painless: The procedure is quick and painless, usually taking less than 30 minutes per eye. Patients typically experience little to no discomfort during the procedure.
  3. Fast recovery: Recovery time is generally very fast, with most patients able to return to work or normal activities within a few days of the procedure.
  4. High success rate: No touch laser surgery has a high success rate in correcting vision problems. Most patients experience significant improvement in their vision and are able to reduce or eliminate their dependence on glasses or contact lenses.
  5. Predictable outcomes: The procedure is highly precise, with advanced computer technology guiding the laser to achieve very precise and predictable outcomes.
  6. Reduced risk of infection: Because the procedure is performed without touching the eye, the risk of infection is greatly reduced.

It is important to note that not everyone is a good candidate for no touch laser surgery, and an eye exam with a qualified eye surgeon is necessary to determine whether the procedure is appropriate for you. It is also important to have realistic expectations about the results of the procedure and to carefully follow post-operative instructions to ensure proper healing and optimize the outcomes of the procedure.

What are the benefits?

No touch laser surgery, also known as bladeless or all-laser LASIK, is a type of refractive surgery that uses laser technology to reshape the cornea of the eye to correct vision problems. Here are some potential benefits of no touch laser surgery:

  1. Safety: No touch laser surgery is a very safe procedure, with a very low risk of complications or side effects.
  2. Quick and painless: The procedure is quick and painless, usually taking less than 30 minutes per eye. Patients typically experience little to no discomfort during the procedure.
  3. Fast recovery: Recovery time is generally very fast, with most patients able to return to work or normal activities within a few days of the procedure.
  4. High success rate: No touch laser surgery has a high success rate in correcting vision problems. Most patients experience significant improvement in their vision and are able to reduce or eliminate their dependence on glasses or contact lenses.
  5. Predictable outcomes: The procedure is highly precise, with advanced computer technology guiding the laser to achieve very precise and predictable outcomes.
  6. Reduced risk of infection: Because the procedure is performed without touching the eye, the risk of infection is greatly reduced.
  7. Improved quality of life: Improved vision can lead to a better quality of life, allowing individuals to participate in activities they may have avoided before the procedure.

It is important to note that not everyone is a good candidate for no touch laser surgery, and an eye exam with a qualified eye surgeon is necessary to determine whether the procedure is appropriate for you. It is also important to have realistic expectations about the results of the procedure and to carefully follow post-operative instructions to ensure proper healing and optimize the outcomes of the procedure.

What should be considered after surgery?

After undergoing any type of surgery, including no touch laser surgery, there are several important considerations to keep in mind to ensure proper healing and a successful outcome. Here are some post-operative considerations to keep in mind after no touch laser surgery:

  1. Follow your surgeon's instructions: Your surgeon will provide you with specific instructions for post-operative care, including any medications to take, how to care for your eyes, and when you can resume normal activities. It is important to follow these instructions closely to ensure proper healing and optimize the outcomes of the procedure.
  2. Avoid rubbing your eyes: Rubbing your eyes can cause irritation and may lead to complications, so it is important to avoid rubbing your eyes after surgery.
  3. Wear protective eyewear: Your surgeon may recommend wearing protective eyewear, such as sunglasses or goggles, to protect your eyes from bright light or other environmental factors.
  4. Avoid strenuous activity: You should avoid strenuous activity or exercise for a period of time after surgery, as this can increase the risk of complications or slow down the healing process.
  5. Attend follow-up appointments: You will likely have several follow-up appointments with your surgeon after the procedure to monitor your progress and ensure that your eyes are healing properly. It is important to attend these appointments and inform your surgeon of any concerns or issues you may be experiencing.
  6. Be patient: It may take some time for your vision to fully stabilize after the procedure, so it is important to be patient and follow your surgeon's instructions for post-operative care.


By following these post-operative considerations, you can help ensure proper healing and optimize the outcomes of your no touch laser surgery. If you have any concerns or issues after the procedure, be sure to contact your surgeon right away.

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